Get Ready To Learn About The Eyes

Here at Visionelle, we know a lot about the eyes and want to share what we know with our Visionaries. Watch some of our videos to see why your eyes and vision are so cool.

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Visionelle Kids Videos

What is the Eye?

What exactly is the eye? What does it do and why is it so cool? Let's Find Out!

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How Glasses Are Made By Carter

Carter has some big prehistoric ideas about how the first pair of glasses were made. Tune in to find out how

Parts of the Eye

Ever wonder what the different parts of the eye are and what they do? Well even if you didn't we are gonna tell you.

Dirty Eyes

Got dirty eyes? Probably. Find out how your eyes clean themselves up.

5 Things That Can Hurt Your Eyes

There are some things that are not good for your eyes. Can you guess what they are? Let's see if you are right.